Identifying Your Ideal Life/Work Environment

Fill in the blanks.

  1. Location/Life Style - What do you need in a location to thrive?
    • Examples:
      • small town, big city
      • affordable housing, fancy housing
      • short commute, commute doesn't matter
      • opera, museums, classical music venues, jazz clubs, major league sports
      • close to family, far from family
      • schools for kids, parks, bike trails, hiking trails, close to beach, skiing
      • city experience with dense housing, suburban experience, rural environment
      • cold weather, hot weather, don't mind if it rains or snows
      • a college or university to continue studies
      • cultural diversity and cultural associations, a welcoming religious community
      • red state/blue state politics
      • coffee houses, fine dining, fast food, great pizza, bookstores, shopping malls

    Location/Life Style - What do you need in a
    location to thrive?
    Things you must have Things you can't stand

  2. People - What qualities do you need in the people you work with?
    • Examples:
      • friendly and engaging people who help and support you with your work
      • people who stick to themselves and leave you alone to do your own work
      • people who are competent, smart, ambitious, lazy, intolerant, overbearing, uncooperative, neat, sloppy, fun, resentful, opinionated
      • people who like to socialize and involve you in family and off-the-job activities, people who have their own lives away from work
      • people you can go out with, people who can help you meet other people
      • people with kids, people without kids
      • people who like to dress up, people who are ok with casual dress
      • people who like fine things, people with everyday tastes
      • people with liberal politics, people with conservative views, people who have no views on politics, sports and religion
      • people who go to lunch with others, people who bring their own lunch
      • people who are talkative, people who are quiet
      • people who are just like you or people who are refreshingly different.

    People - What qualities do you need in the
    people you work with?
    People you want to be with People you can't stand

  3. Work Conditions - What do you need in your work environment to thrive?
    • Examples:
      • corporate culture: clear mission, employee oriented, investor oriented, customer oriented, top down management, flat organizational structure with autonomy for employees
      • set own goals, respond to the demands of managers
      • stable operating conditions, constant crisis mode
      • micro-managing supervisors, co-operative atmosphere, grateful customers, rude customers, no customer contact, frequent client contact
      • flexible tasks and assignments, routine tasks, boring assignments, constant challenges, laid back atmosphere, tight deadlines, flexible goals
      • frequent travel, constant communications
      • working in teams, working alone, work with others, work in isolation
      • training opportunities, no need for further training
      • individual workspace, new equipment, cramped quarters, tiny cubicles, clean work space, cluttered space, windows, break rooms
      • physical amenities, gymnasium, lunch room, catered lunches, ping-pong table
      • bicycle lockers and showers, free parking
      • in the city, out in the country
      • indoors, outdoors

    Work Conditions - What do you need in your
    work environment to thrive?
    Things you must have or would really like Things you can't stand or don't need

6.5 Setting your Goals and Priorities

Copyright: Cici Mattiuzzi